From consensus to dissenting positions

crisis of the veto of the University Funding Law


  • Natalia Alvarado Ávalos Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino


crisis, conflict, presidential veto, university funding, deputies


The case of the veto of the University Financing Law generated a crisis situation within the national government, which was reduced to a voluntary conflict of interests between the players involved. Dominant strategies such as the chosen spokespersons were the key to managing the case, controlling damage to the reputation of the National Executive and avoiding the loss of power. By applying the EVAS matrix, it is possible to analyse the change in approach that Javier Milei’s team was able to reach a consensus on. In this way, it achieves a result in which it maintains the desired goal, internally dividing the blocks in the Lower Chamber.


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How to Cite

Alvarado Ávalos, N. (2024). From consensus to dissenting positions: crisis of the veto of the University Funding Law. El Observatorio, (2), 55–69. Retrieved from //